Acre & Acrefield Surgery & Patient Participation Group
The Patient Participation Group known as PPG was created in 2011. It is now well established and has received positive feedback with a few of the success stories.
We encourage more patients’ participation who may be interested to join the PPG to contact us via our secure online form.
What is PPG?
PPG is made up of 6 members at present. They represent the patients’ care and support, raise awareness on Health and Wellbeing amongst the community and assist doctors and nurses to hold events at the Surgeries.
PPG works closely together, with the doctors. Regular meetings are held to discuss ways of improving patient care and services and learn more about the running of the practice. The doctors are keen to engage with the views of the patients, share new ideas, plan health events and talks and communicate any new updates.
A newsletter is published every quarterly which is distributed at both the surgeries
The success stories of PPG:
- Volunteered to facilitate the set up for Bowel Screening Tests toolkit
- Assists doctors in registering patients and liaising with doctors at the Flu jabs clinics held each year
- Health-fair was attended by Carepoint patients.
- Survey carried out with the patients has helped doctors to address the FAQs
- A display board set up at Acre Surgery and notices are now being posted for patients to read and review
Currently, the following upcoming events are on hold due to COVID-19
- Health Fair at Acrefield Surgery
- Care Plan followed by Q & A
- Awareness and discussions on Diabetes for Pre diabetic group such as lifestyle, exercise, healthy eating and maintaining weight according to BMI
Feel free to join us as members or feel free to help us with any of our activities.